Mission Moment 3.2.22

Encourager Church

The Encourager Church ministry was created to pair local congregations with field personnel units to build both partnerships and to offer a reciprocal relationship of support on the field and at the church. Our CBF field personnel serve and have a long-term presence around the world and, by doing so, they develop long-lasting relationships, deeper connections with the community, and the ability to partner with their local communities as well as with CBF churches.

Such a partnership begins with a conversation about the particular church’s strengths, mission involvement, their desire to expand their mission presence, their levels of CBF funding, and their interest in becoming an Encourager Church. Then they look over the information from our website at  www.cbf.net/encourager-church.  

We then begin to narrow the focus of what type of ministry would make for a good partnership for the church and what areas of focus the congregation is more interested in: medical, refugees, church/community development, education, immigration, poverty, food sustainability, etc. Then, after a prayerful time, the church selects the focus area, which leads to a discussion of which field personnel might best fit their gifts.

There are three financial components to this partnership: gifts to the on-going work of CBF (in the areas of young Baptists, advocacy, diversity, identity, chaplaincy, global missions, etc.), gifts to the Offering for Global Missions (which provides presence on the field), and then those Encourager church gifts that help fund the ministries of the specific partnering field unit.

Learn more at www.cbf.net/encourager-church.