Offering for Global Missions Week of Prayer
Jesus was present. Jesus was present to the woman at the well. Jesus was present to the children. Jesus was present to Mary as she anointed his feet. Jesus was present to the woman who touched the hem of his robe. Jesus was present to the man with leprosy who knelt before him. Jesus was present to the widow burying her son. Jesus was present to his followers.
Presence is listening, hospitality, conversation, compassion, tenderness, empathy, kindness and welcoming. Presence is attentive, intuitive and seeing.
Following the example of Jesus, CBF field personnel are present to those in the communities they serve. This week is set aside to pray for the Offering for Global Missions. This offering provides for the long-term presence of field personnel among those in need of welcoming and compassion. This year’s goal for the Offering for Global Missions is $4 million. Churches, small groups and individuals will come together to pray for the work the Offering supports. Resources are available to facilitate this time of joint prayer for God’s working in the world through the presence of field personnel because presence matters.
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