Mission Moment 2.16.22

The McCall Initiative

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship launched the Emmanuel McCall Racial Justice and Leadership Initiative during the 2019 General Assembly as an intentional effort to increase the engagement of CBF in diversity, inclusion and racial justice work. 

In September of 2019, CBF began a one-year journey, Toward Bold Faithfulness, seeking first to discover and then to respond to God’s call for our Fellowship in this fourth decade of ministry. That journey discovered that “aspirational diversity” is one of the most powerful gifts of CBF congregations

This aspiration shows opportunity for growth and strength in welcoming diversity and is perhaps connected to the transforming gift of deep, living interpersonal relationships within the community of faith. 

In the summer of 2020, CBF launched the Emmanuel McCall Racial Equity Fund amid the pandemic and heightened social unrest to ensure long term investment in this important work, which involves inclusion efforts, racial justice advocacy and important repair work with churches in the Black community.

Learn more at www.cbf.net/mccall.