Speaking of Weddings. . .

Like a snide comment you'd find on someone's online post, the religious elites are trying to scratch Jesus's veneer. 

They chide him, "John's disciples are well-known for keeping fasts and saying prayers. Also the Pharisees. But you seem to spend most of your time at parties. Why?" (Luke 5:33 from The Message)

It's true, of course. The last time we saw Jesus, he was working behind the scenes at a wedding to address the wine shortage. Everyone knows that not having enough wine for your guests at such an important event would be nothing short of shameful. So, Jesus ensures that the host family can save face by turning water into wine. 

Jesus keeps the party going. 

To be clear, breaking into the Divine wine cellar to stoke the fires of celebration was at odds with what the religious community had come to expect from its leaders. Even the rogue bandit, John the Baptizer, fasted and lived an ascetic lifestyle. What gives?

"Jesus said, "When you're celebrating a wedding, you don't skimp on the cake and wine. You feast. Later you may need to exercise moderation, but this isn't the time. As long as the bride and groom are with you, you have a good time. When the groom is gone, the fasting can begin. No one throws cold water on a friendly bonfire. This is Kingdom Come!" (Luke 5:34-35 from The Message)

Jesus gives us license to delight in what God is doing in the world. Jesus is God's reality, God's Kingdom Come, and that is reason to celebrate. 

Jesus's presence in the world is cause for celebration. God loves the world enough to save it! God is the Good Shepherd who draws close to His sheep. God is the Good Parent who runs to us when we come to our senses. 

Jesus, the party-animal, continues: "No one cuts up a fine silk scarf to patch old work clothes; you want fabrics that match. And you don't put wine in old, cracked bottles; you get strong, clean bottles for your fresh vintage wine. And no one who has ever tasted fine aged wine prefers unaged wine." (Luke 5:36-37 from The Message)

Jesus isn't something that you add into your life like yoga, holistic medicine, or mindfulness. Jesus isn't 'self-help' or a 'best practice.' Jesus is not a life hack when your hopes are dashed, or when your marriage falls apart, or when your best friend swindles you in a business deal. Jesus isn't something that you buy from Amazon to replace what failed you before. Jesus isn't second-hand, and he's undoubtedly not on consignment. 

Jesus is an entirely new paradigm for living and seeing the world. He is a radical departure from the world's values and demands dying so that we can be born again. Jesus doesn't just help put up new curtains in our windows; he builds a new house altogether. And when he does, the house will be on a solid foundation that will not wash away. 

Jesus is a new way to see, hear, live, love, and be.

If this is not a cause for celebration, I don't know what is. 

So let's raise a glass to the One who transformed it for us in the first place: "To Jesus and the New Path he makes for us!" 
