Dianne and Shane McNary | Slovakia & Czechia
Dianne and Shane McNary are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel ministering among the Roma people in Slovakia and Czechia.
Roma are the largest minority population in Europe and experience discrimination in all areas of life—from acceptance in church to education and employment and access to healthcare. Dianne and Shane feel that partnering relationally in the broadest possible way, while maintaining a focus on Roma ministry, allows for a more faithful witness to the possibility of reconciliation in Christ for a fractured world. This focus on relational partnerships is reflected throughout their ministry.
In Děčín, Czechia, Dianne and Shane work with several local churches and individuals to provide support for a new church start.
In Jelšava, Slovakia, Dianne and Shane offer encouragement to Roma believers. Activities include weekly Bible studies focusing on discipleship and leadership. This is done in partnership with the local Slovak Baptist Church and YMCA.
In Važec, Slovakia, Dianne and Shane partner with Jekh Drom as they strive to make a difference among the poor in their community. By facilitating short-term mission teams, the McNarys work to build the reputation of Jekh Drom as an asset to their community through teaching English in the local school, providing activities for children and women in the village and supporting a community center which serves the needs of the entire village.
In partnership with the Baptist World Alliance and the European Baptist Federation, Shane is leading freedom and justice advocacy efforts in Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.
Pray for a course on Freedom of Religion or Belief, offered through International Baptist Theological Seminary.
Pray for continued funding for Community Health Evangelism workers in Serbia.
Learn more at www.cbf.net/mcnary.