Mission Moment 9.29.21

Eddie and Macarena Aldape  |  Albacete, Spain

Sept. 29 - Eddie and Macarena Aldape.jpg

Eddie and Macarena Aldape minister to immigrants and students in Albacete, Spain, after serving 13 years in India among the Banjara. Through Centro de Esperanza (The Hope Center), the Aldapes assist immigrants in registration processes, language acquisition, culture simulation and by directing them to local organizations that can meet their immediate needs. Centro de Esperanza is a place where newly-arrived immigrants can encounter the love of Christ and renewed hope. Many students in Spain are also disillusioned about the future and matters of faith. Eddie and Macarena teach English as a Second Language classes, which provides opportunities to share faith, offer encouragement and provide support to these students. 

Pray for: 

  • Rhose completing the Red Cross relocation program to find employment 

  • The new micro-enterprise project that provides income for these families. 

  • Relationships being built through conversation classes. 

  • Mentoring of unaccompanied minors who may be without shelter after turning 18. 

Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life, to which you were called and or which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
–1 Timothy 6:12