Mission Moment 8.18.21

Hannah Turner | Research Triangle

Aug. 17 - Hannah Turner.jpg

Hannah is appointed under CBF’s Global Service Corps (GSC) program.  She will work alongside seasoned CBF field personnel Marc and Kim Wyatt as Welcome House Ministry assistant coordinator. 

Welcome House is a temporary residence for refugee families awaiting long-term, affordable housing in the NC Capital Region. Welcome House Raleigh is a collaboration of CBF Global Missions, CBF North Carolina, Crabtree Valley Baptist Church, area refugee agencies, local churches and businesses. Temporary housing is a practical way to bear witness to Jesus Christ through transformational ministry in relationship with local congregations. In addition to temporary housing, the ministry mobilizes churches and individuals for service in English as a Second Language, preschool readiness, neighborhood outreach, recreation and advocacy with refugees and immigrants in five Raleigh area communities

Each GSC volunteer secures financial support from partners who contribute toward a simple living stipend and field housing costs.  Ministry and operational costs for their two-year assignment are borne by the field personnel unit that mentors them for the period of their apprenticeship.

Learn more at www.cbf.net/turner.