Mission Moment 12.8.21

Lynn and Mike Hutchinson  |  Lomé, Togo

Lynn and Mike Hutchinson are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving in Lomé, Togo, in West Africa through asset-based community development and transformative community ministry.

After ministry in France and other African nations, the Hutchinsons settled in this French-speaking nation that, like much of West Africa, remains part of the developing world. Togo is one of the 10 poorest nations in the world. 

The Hutchinsons believe that the greatest need for the people of Togo is to know the living God through transforming faith in Christ and to develop their gifts to become fully who God designed them to be. Working alongside local partners, the Hutchinsons are involved in various projects aimed at developing people’s talents and resources. Drawing on the assets and resources of the community, mentoring and equipping, they are helping Togolese discover their full capability.

Much of the Hutchinsons’ work is accomplished through Togo House, a flexible, responsive ministry which provides a place where community members can come together to decide what they want to see happen and how they can work together to accomplish it. Each activity is designed to build skills and opportunity as well as community and cooperation.

Following the example of Christ, the Hutchinsons seek to minister in a way that appreciates the value and potential of each individual, while sharing the good news of the Gospel.

  • Pray for the Hutchinsons’ summer reading program for elementary and middle school students, that everyone will advance in their own skills of leadership and literacy. 

  • Pray for people encountering the Bible for the first time through worship services at Togo House. Ask God to open their minds and hearts to Christ’s love.

Learn more at www.cbf.net/hutchinson