I pray that you and your family have a joyous Christmas. Accept, here, my Christmas blessing for you and your kin….”Good tidings for Christmas and a happy new year!”
1.) May your family be blessed with the ability to do all the last-minute things that you need to get done this week.
2.) I pray that you’re able to attend our Candlelight Christmas Eve Service on Friday at 5:30 PM.
3.) May you find yourself surrounded by those you love most dear on Christmas Day.
4.) I pray that you can sip your sister’s hot cider without burning your tongue.
5.) May your sleep each night be rich and deep and that you wake to feel rested and energized.
6.) I pray that your travels are safe and that bad drivers flee at the very sight of your gift-laden SUV.
7.) May you find a moment of quiet to gaze at your Christmas tree and be reminded of the stories that your ornaments tell.
8.) I pray that you will be gentle with yourself and with others, and that you will be aware of the minefield of triggers that people must navigate at Christmas.
9.) May you not be dismayed when Christmas features weather more appropriate for Easter than the ‘Currier and Ives’ image we find so endearing.
10.) I pray that you consider taking a digital sabbath so that you can be fully present with those around you. However, do take a few minutes and look at old photos from Christmases gone by to marvel at how your family has changed.
11.) May you feel a rush of generosity for your dog when clearing the dining room table of food scraps.
12.) I pray that you will receive a new spiritual insight as you reflect on the Biblical story of Christ’s birth.
13.) May you take advantage of our balmy weather by going on a walk on a deserted stretch of the Blue Ridge Parkway or around Lake Junaluska.
14.) I pray that you make time to watch a favorite Christmas movie or cartoon special. “For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord…That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.”
15.) I pray that when you are disappointed by circumstances beyond your control, you’ll remember that the Atlanta Braves are World Champions.
16.) May you find as much joy in giving to others this Christmas season as you do in receiving and consuming.
17.) I pray that you will make time to play a game with your grandchildren.
18.) May a spirit of thanksgiving permeate your soul and inspire you to be grateful in all circumstances.
19.) I pray that you and yours are healthy this Christmas season, and that you can avoid whatever variety of crud that may be circulating.
20.) May those who have lost someone dear to them feel God’s healing presence this season.
21.) And may you know that your church family loves you. Regardless of whether you’ve had perfect attendance these last couple of years at church, or you haven’t darkened the church’s doorstep since before the pandemic began, know that you are loved and that you warm our hearts when we see you.
22.) I pray that Christmas gives you the spiritual fuel you need to begin 2022 with hope for the good work that God will do in the weeks and months to come.