Jonathan and Tina Bailey | Bali, Indonesia
Jonathan and Tina Bailey are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving in Bali, Indonesia with emphasis on spiritual expression through music, dance and visual arts both inside and outside the local Christian community.
The majority of Bali’s population is Balinese who practice a unique branch of Hinduism, but many religions and cultures are represented on this island located in the middle of the Indonesian archipelago. Bali is also home to a diverse community of people from around the world who have migrated to Bali for work or to explore a way of life that is less driven by consumerism. Many who migrate to Bali are involved in the arts, as Bali has a deep artistic culture.
Within the Christian church in Bali, the Baileys encourage Christian artists to stay connected to their culture using the music, dance and visual arts of their native community, offering culturally appropriate forms for the local church.
Outside the church, Jonathan and Tina provide support for and encourage artists through the Narwastu Art Community, which they organized in 2005. This community is made up of musicians and dancers from around the world who learn and collaborate together alongside a core group of Balinese and internationals who call Bali their home. Areas of focus include:
Study and performance of classical Balinese music and dance
Collaborative projects with local and foreign composers
Dance exploration
Arts and social justice
Care for international students
Contemplative prayer
While the art created is significant, the initiatives of the Narwastu community also provide the space for meaningful relationships that bridge cultural, linguistic and religious differences to begin and grow. It is in this open space of heart and mind that transformation takes place.
Tina also teaches in prison arts program for inmates in Bali’s high security prison, mentoring prisoners in art-making and forming relationships with inmates. She works to develop artistic technique as well as life-skills to assist them as they re-integrate into society after they are released. She also consults for other prisons that are also interested in developing similar programs.
Keep up with the work of the Baileys and the Narwastu community at or on social media at Connect with Jonathan at and Tina at