Practicing Soul Friendship

Jeff's Five-Day Forecast - small.png

In ancient Ireland, a soul friend was someone with whom you could…
Share the practical matters of your life.
Reveal your life’s deep joys and sorrows.
Be for someone a sanctuary of trust and unconditional love.

You are invited to strengthen a friendship this fall. Practicing the ancient, Celtic tradition of Anam Cara, or soul friendship, is a way that you can deepen your relationship with someone you already know.

What’s the Plan?

-Participants in the Anam Cara Projectwill identify someone with whom they would like to strengthen a friendship.

-Participants will attend an afternoon retreat on Sunday, September 8that Lake Junaluska Conference Center. Lunch will be provided, and participants will learn how to practice Anam Cara by strengthening a friendship. 

-Pairs of friends will commit to spending an hour with each other once a week for 6 weeks. Pairs can meet in person or arrange to talk on the phone. 

-The pastor will schedule a brief conversation with each participant at the conclusion of the project to discuss their experience. 

How do I participate?

-Identify someone with whom you’d like to deepen a friendship. This is most likely someone you already know and may very well be a close friend! The friend you invite to practice Anam Cara with does not have to be a member of our church, or even reside here locally.

-Make plans to attend the afternoon retreat on September 8. The friend with whom you are going to practice soul friendship with is encouraged to attend! There is no cost for the event. 

-Commit to practicing Anam Cara with your friend for one hour a week for six weeks. 

-Let Pastor Jeff know that you are interested by completing the sign-up form at this link:


Anam Cara, or soul friendships, are relationships that are marked by high commitment levels, mutuality, and reciprocity. The individuals who practice this type of friendship become Christ to one another; hearing concerns, sharing joys, and modeling unconditional love. In life, and along the way, God provides us companions to walk alongside us. By sharing our lives with one another, our faith is deepened and our perspective on life begins to change. We recognize that we are not alone, and that Christ is coming up alongside us as we travel together. Having an Anam Cara is good for the friends who walk side by side. But even better, Anam Cara is how we can best be church to one another. 

Be church with us this fall as we walk along the path together.