Growing So Fast


On Saturday, April 13, the Hell’s Kitchen Farm Project opened for its 9th growing season. On the roof of Metro Baptist Church, in Hell’s Kitchen, NYC, more than 60 community volunteers filled about 50 plastic kiddie pools with seeds and young plants (thanks to a partnership with a local farmer).

We planted lots of spring crops, including many lettuce varieties, mustard greens, collard greens, bok choy, kale, Swiss chard, turnips, radishes and a cherry tree. The apple trees are already covered in flowers and the radish seeds have already sprouted. With a whole week of rain right after our farm opening day, everything is growing so fast!

All of the produce harvested from the rooftop farm throughout the growing season goes directly to fill our client-choice food pantry ministry.

- Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey, CBF field personnel serving in

New York City