Your church needs upkeep just like your home…Time for some major repairs!
We have a few large-scale projects that can no longer be put off:
Our church needs a new roof.
A new wall needs to be built in front side of the church.
Furnace needs to be repaired.
Windows need to be replaced.
Several small projects need attention.
Truth is, we have no money for the above projects. We do have an emergency fund for needs such as a furnace or plumbing problem which we need to keep in place. We will seek the most cost effective and physical pleasing options for these projects.
That is why we are launching the Raise the Roof Campaign to raise funds for these projects. We chose this name because:
1. Much of the money raised will be for a new roof and
2. During this initiative we want to not only raise money, but to raise hearts to God, our hands to help, raise hope for the future, and raise eyebrows as we come together to accomplish these tasks!
Because you are an important part of our family, we thought you would like to know what we are planning for the next six months. We would like to invite you to be a part of this process.
Now, we ask you to prayerfully consider how you can help with Raise the Roof campaign.
Your generous donation to the project will eliminate the number of fundraising projects we have to initiate. We would appreciate a monetary donation toward this goal. Please write checks to First Baptist Church and put “Raise the Roof” in the memo line. They can be placed in the offering plate or left in the church office.
Jennie Hunter, Co-Chair
Linda Stewart, Co-Chair