Wish List

Jeff's Five-Day Forecast - small.png

Here’s my wish list for you and your family this Advent Season: 

I wish for you and your family to experience the warmth of tenderness and kindness when you gather together. 

I wish for you to worship together on the remaining Sundays in Advent and that you will choose to make our Christmas Eve Service part of your holiday plans. 

I wish for you a perfect cup of hot chocolate (I can share my not-so-secret recipe with you if you’d like to be in a chocolate coma). 

I wish for you a few moments of quiet while you reflect on the Christmas story while gazing at a treasured nativity scene. 

I wish for you and your family time to look at old family photos of Christmases past. 

I wish for you snow (Guilty as charged—that’s my wish for me). 

I wish for you and your family safe travels, healthy bodies, and a sweet spirit. 

I wish for you and your family to spend time, unplugged and off your devices, around your Christmas tree. 

I wish for you and your family a spirit of generosity to the ministries and missions you follow and to which you belong. 

I wish for you and your family Christmas parties, complete with silliness and laughter. 

I wish for you good Christmas music. 

I wish for you creamy eggnog, homemade gingersnaps, and a spicy wassail. 

I wish for you quiet and stillness, and peace. 

I wish for you and your family time to savor the time you have with children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and neighborhood children. 

I wish for you unexpected (good!) surprises that catch you off-guard with joy. 

I wish for you comfort and consolation as you are mindful of the losses that you have accumulated. 

I wish for you warm embraces, hearty-handshakes, and wide-grins. 

I wish for you and your family time to watch your favorite Christmas cartoons. 

I wish for you and your family a peace-filled Christmas day. 

I wish for you time to play, and to plot, and to giggle. 

I wish for you a spirit of patience as you wade through traffic and wait in long lines. 

And finally, I wish for you time with our Savior. May these next two weeks be merry and bright, and pregnant with the hope, peace, joy and love that only Christ can bring.