Refugee guests of Welcome House Raleigh arrive weary and off balance. With only the possessions they carry in their arms, they are homeless. Life as they knew it back home is gone forever. They are lost. It takes time for folks to regain their bearings and feel at home. Of course, they aren’t home yet. They are in a holding pattern, a pause. We welcome them to beloved community and help them get situated in their new bedrooms.
The pause can take weeks, even months. Not knowing the future is frustrating and stressful. Every day our guests await news from their agency caseworkers that a permanent home has finally been found. It is an unspoken prayer. Having a home, they hope, will erase some of the loss and replace the emptiness with a promise of a new life.
Refugees slowly but surely let down their guard. Peace and welcome are strong and compelling influences. Most welcome friendship. It is a sacred space. The ”pause” is a place where humanity is reclaimed. It is where we practice Christ’s presence. The transformation from strangers to friends is shared by all, both guests and hosts. We never grow tired of it. It is lifegiving.
And then comes the day! They get the news. An apartment has been secured. Our team works closely with volunteers and the refugee agency to furnish the apartment ahead of moving day. They gather their belongings, often much more than they arrived with, and we take them to their new home. A “welcome home” door mat greets them. Their key opens the door. Inside, everything is in its place and every room is ready. After such a long and hard journey, they are finally home again. Their prayers are being answered. No matter how long it takes or how involved the work, we never grow tired of the ministry of welcome and hospitality toward strangers.
The quote at the beginning of this reflection was written by the elder of a refugee family who were our guests during their “pause” at Welcome House. It now hangs on the wall near the front door.
Pray, Practice, Ponder
Pray for those who are now experiencing a time of “pause” at Welcome House Raleigh. Pray they might experience this sacred space as healing and restorative, a place where new dreams and new life can begin. Pray for strength, joy and wisdom for those who serve and lead at Welcome House.