About this time last year, I was packing up our belongings preparing to move back to the United States after 19 years ministering among the Roma peoples in Slovakia. There were so many conflicting emotions as we decided what to pack and what to give away. Excitement and apprehension. Happy and sad. Ready for new challenges and desire to keep doing the same old things. How do you pack up almost 20 years of your life into some boxes and bags?
I had recently gone through a period of reflection and discernment when the opportunity to return to the U.S. was presented. At first, I had no idea what I might do next. I still have a nursing license so that was an option; but it wasn’t my first choice. It was my back-up plan. I wanted to stay involved with Global Missions. Following Nell Green as the next Offering for Global Missions Advocate was just the ticket. I have always enjoyed visiting churches, sharing stories and getting to know people. This was the perfect role for me. The challenge of learning new skills and being pushed outside my comfort zone has been life-giving to me during this transition back to Arkansas.
Sharing my colleagues’ stories and promoting their ministries as I encourage congregations to give generously to the Offering for Global Missions which ensures that CBF field personnel can live out their call, expands my calling in new ways.
God is doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? For 2024-25, the Offering for Global Missions theme is “Behold…a new thing!” based on Isaiah 43:19. Each year we set aside two weeks to pray for our CBF field personnel and the Offering for Global Missions. Join us this week, Oct 6-12, 2024 to lift up our field personnel and their ministries around the world.
I encourage you to give generously to support the Offering for Global Missions which provides salary, benefits and housing for CBF field personnel around the world.
Pray, Practice, Ponder
God of healing and justice, you have called us by name and we are your children. When rivers rage, they will not sweep over us. When we walk through fire, we will not be consumed because we are precious in your sight. We are precious and called.
We are witnesses to your grace and love. And we are called to share your love with all we meet. We are called to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.
Open our hearts, O Lord, that we may welcome people from other places.
Open our eyes, O Lord, to see the new things that You are doing.
Open our ears, O Lord, that we may hear a word from You.
Open our hands, O Lord, that we may offer healing grace to others.
Open our minds, O Lord, to see others in a new way. Amen.
Pray. . .Give. . .Go.