I Want to Help Those in Need

Most of our church family has been blessed with the return of electricity and cell phone service—we are so thankful! Please call our church office if you know of someone in our church family or others in our community who are in need and we will do our best to help them personally or search for resources.

The Jackson County Emergency Management Office has put out a request for donations and a list of distribution sites as follows:

  1. Supply donations will be received daily from 8 am to 8 pm at The Old Western Builders Building at 198 WBI Drive in Sylva.

  2. Donation distribution will be from 2 pm to 6 pm daily at Mark Watson Park at 86 Mark Watson Park in Sylva.

  3. Monetary donations may be made to the following non-profits during their regular business hours:

  • Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry at 549 Frank Allen Road in Cashiers

  • The Community Table at 23 Central Street in Sylva

  • United Christian Ministries at 191 Skyland Drive in Sylva

Please designate “Hurricane Helene Relief” on any monetary donations. 

October Birthdays

Happy Birthday, FBC Family!

Mary Anne Roos  (Oct. 4)
Judy Seago  (Oct. 5)
Karen Monteith  (Oct. 8)
Jimmy Hunter  (Oct. 16)
Wanda Jones  (Oct. 16)
Betty Blanton  (Oct. 19)

Jay Coward  (Oct. 19)
Charlie White  (Oct. 19)
Anne Sellers  (Oct. 22)
Janelle Messer  (Oct. 27)
Ginger Fullbright  (Oct. 29)

Happy Birthday! We love you and hope you have a great birthday!
Did we miss your birthday?  Please let us know by emailing us at fbcsylva@gmail.com!

Hands on Jackson

Hands On Jackson will be on Thursday, October 10. We had very good participation last year and are hoping to do as well—or even better—this year! Please contact Team Leader Harold Messer at 828-506-2344 and leave a message if you are willing to volunteer your time to do some landscaping or general clean-up for neighbors in our community. You may also call the church office at 828-586-2095, and Janice can take your information. Thank you!