Men's Chorus for Homecoming

The men of the church need to tune up and prepare to lead worship on Homecoming Sunday, October 14.  We will be singing "O Magnify the Lord," and a medley of "God of Our Fathers" and "Faith of Our Fathers."  I have again invited the professional men's music fraternity to sing with us and to be our guests at lunch.  They will also have brass instruments with them for hymn accompaniment.  We will be gathering at 8:30 a.m. for an 8:45--9:30 practice on Sunday morning, 10/14, in the choir room.  Please join us.  I can promise a fun time in rehearsal, followed by meaningful worship through song. Don't miss it!  

Bob Holquist


Change of Plans

Due to our church’s efforts to provide care for the families who are grieving losses at this time, we are postponing our ‘Supper on the Grounds and Ice Cream Making Competition’ from Sunday, July 15th until Sunday, July 29th.

At present, the hospitality and care that we provide our bereaved loved ones takes precedence over our evening of fun. At our core, we are a people who loves and serves. Our fellowship together on Sunday, July 29th will be all the richer for it.

Thank you for the countless ways you love one another, First Baptist Church. I am grateful and inspired by the way in which you ‘love kindness.’

Rev. Jeff Mathis
