Toy Donations

If you or your child have toys or games that are no longer played with, and you would like to donate them, consider donating them to our Wee Explorers Preschool Ministry! These kids always need new toys to play with, and they could benefit from the toys that are gathering dust in your child's playroom. If you have any donations, please bring them to the church office or the Loving Kindness room near the sanctuary.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Tracking

"At Linda's I shared that I had put tracking labels that I got online on several of our Shoeboxes.

After church today I went online, put in the code, it came back that those boxes shipped December 5th from Charlotte heading to Togo in West Central Africa.

Tonight I just came across the photo below on Facebook....taken by a volunteer this week at the OCC Charlotte Distribution Center...the tally board... if you enlarge you can see boxes shipped to Togo on Dec. 5th.

Thought you'd like to share with the group.

Have a blessed week!"

- Teresa Deitz Manring

United Christian Ministries Contest

Thank you to everyone who brought pasta and sauce for the United Christian Ministry spaghetti contest! Collectively, we were able to exceed our goal of providing over 200 spaghetti meals. And last but not least, congratulations to the piano side of the sanctuary for bring the most food items!

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

A big shout out and thank you to Sylva First Baptist Church! You donated a total of 180 shoe boxes to this year's Operation Christmas Child ministry. Pastors around the world host shoe box distributions in places where people may not know Christ and invite them to follow Him. Other churches use the boxes as resources for outreach in orphanages and other at-risk areas. Please continue to pray for the shoe box recipients. 

Christmas Offering


If you're looking for a Christmas gift for a loved one, choose to give a gift in their honor/memory through our Christmas Offering! Income we receive from this offering will be divided equally between our local mission partners, namely: Jackson County Neighbors in Need, The Community Table, The Good Samaritan Clinic of Jackson County, and Circles of Hope. When you make a contribution to this Christmas Offering, the church will send an informative–and handsome!–Christmas card to the person you are choosing to honor. Christmas Offering envelopes are available in the pew racks in both our sanctuary and church office.