Updates on Our Partner Church, Kerygma Baptist Church in Holguin, Cuba


Let’s pray for Bautista Kerygma Iglesia which is celebrating its 13th year.  They have spent the past 3 years emphasizing family ministry and strengthening the family.  This has not been limited to their congregation but has been extended to the community.  This ministry has included marriage enrichment which is an ongoing program rather than a single weekend retreat.  Groups of Hope termed Walking with God in Difficult Times.  These groups provide support and emotional therapy for those experiencing depression, stress, anxiety or issues of self-esteem.  Pastoral care for teenagers and their age-specific problems.  This is a small sampling of things they are doing.  The church is growing as a result of these ministries but as a result of the growth, Ernesto is not able to meet all of the needs himself.  Pray specifically for a person to help with the children and youth this summer and also for an associate pastor to help Ernesto and Marisol in the many ministries of this very vibrant church. 

Additionally, the Kerygma Church is hoping to have a music ministry for the youth this summer and would be interested in having used musical instruments.  We could possibly send some with another group going to Cuba if anyone has an instrument that is not being used and that they would like to donate. Contact Judy Seago to donate: jcjsea@yahoo.com

Cuba Team Meeting


News from the Cuba team: We are continuing to make plans for a spring trip to Cuba in March. We will be meeting this Sunday after church briefly in the Gathering Room to discuss expenses and trying to consolidate our group. It is very important for anyone interested to secure their passport. We will need to start working on Visa application soon.

Cuba Team Update


The Cuba team has been meeting and we are excited about a possibility for some of our church members to go to Cuba this spring from March 9 through March 16. It is an excellent opportunity to build a relationship with other Christians in their home community and to support each other as we all journey on the path of discipleship. If you are interested please come to a brief meeting this coming Sunday Nov 18 after worship. We will be meeting in the gathering room. Also feel free to contact a team member if you have other questions.

Judy Seago 507-7489, Kelly Brown, Renee Coward, Debbie Higdon, Jerry Parker

News from the Cuba Team


We have communicated with Ernesto and are hoping to have a group from FBC go to Cuba March 11-15. This is a relationship building mission and wonderful opportunity to experience Christian Koin.

Group transportation in Cuba limits us to 6 participants from our church. There will be an informational meeting this Sunday, Nov. 11th in the Gathering Room after church. Anyone interested is encouraged to attend.

Judy Seago

Cuba Meeting

The Cuba team invites you to join us as we continue our journey with our Cuban brothers and sisters in Holguin. We will be meeting Oct 28 after church in the hospitality room to discuss the possibility of a trip to Cuba in Spring 2019, as well as other ways to continue developing our relationship with our Cuban brothers and sisters. The partnership between FBC and Kerygma Baptist Church provides a wonderful opportunity to share with others on the path who come from a different cultural background.
If you are interested in the Cuba partnership but unable to attend the meeting, feel free to contact Judy Seago at 507-7489 via text.

New Year Message from Pastor Ernesto in Cuba

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"Beloved brothers and sisters from First Baptist church of Sylva,

For this year, we wish for you guys to start the year with health and peace. We are living through some difficult times at the moment, which we have to place in the hand of God.

We are praying for all of you, asking God that you all are well, and that if there’s anything going on with your family that God will take control of the situation and guide you to a solution. This new year, our church is going to focus on family, in which we include you.

I found out from Pastor Jeff what happened to the wife of one of your former pastors. This news is very sad and difficult to manage. We are praying that God will give you wisdom as you grieve their loss and respond with kindness and support. When difficulties and tragedies occur, put your energy into what can happen next so that God’s redemptive power can spring into action. 

We love you and will remember you in our prayers during the coming year, and will hope alongside you that 2018 will make our love for Jesus Christ stronger."

A hug,
Ernesto and Marisol