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Dear Church Family,

In accordance with our church bylaws, it’s the time of the year when we need to nominate our new church leadership to begin May 1 of this year through April 30 of 2022.

This past Sunday, March 21, the deacon council approved for distribution a list of “Members Eligible to Become Deacons and Trustees."
Our next step in the nomination process is to reach out to members and ask you to nominate five deacons and one trustee from the two-part nomination list.

Deacons serve a three-year term and trustees serve a six-year term in accordance with the church bylaws.
Deacons rotating off the diaconate this year are Tom Graham, John Dills, Arlin Middleton, and Jim Campbell. Larry Grantham is rotating off as a trustee.

Please note there are specific qualifications to serve as a deacon and as a trustee. These qualifications are stated in the church bylaws and noted on both the deacon and trustee sections of the nomination form(s). Please give much thought and consideration to the stated qualifications when making your nomination choices.

All nomination ballots need to be returned by Sunday, March 28th. There are several ways you can submit your ballots.

1 - Mail: You can print the attached document, fill it out, and mail it to 669 W Main St, Sylva, NC 28779. If you do not have a printer, you can simply write Deacon Election at the top of a blank piece of paper followed by five nominations and signed with your name and the date.

2- Email: You can send an email to fbcsylva@gmail.com with the subject "Deacon and Trustee Election". In the body of the email, please type your five nominations for deacon and one nomination for trustee, and end with "signed by:" followed by your name and the date.

3- Drop off: If need be, you can also drop off your nomination ballot during the church office hours through Friday, March 26. The office is open Monday through Friday 9:00 AM through 4:30 PM with the exception of lunch from 12:30 to 1:15 PM.

4- You can hand in your ballot during worship on Sunday, March 28th.

Additionally, our “Deacon Leadership Selection Team” of our deacon council has been meeting to determine team leaders and committee membership appointments for the new service year.

My prayer and plea to anyone nominated and called upon to serve as a deacon, trustee, team leader, committee member, or in any service capacity -- I hope you will give prayerful consideration to serving.

Jim Campbell

Deacon Chair